
Learning Chinese #3

Chinese has pinyin as its pronunciation system that represents hanzi (Chinese characters). Most of the pinyin contains an initial (the consonant that begins the syllable) and a final (the rest of the syllable). For instead, word h ǎ o ( 好 ) is composed of ‘h’ as the initial and ‘ ǎ o’ as the final. A syllable that has an initial automatically also has a final. On the other side, some words do not have an initial, such as ài ( 爱 , love) and è ( 饿 , hungry). In learning pinyin, we do not only pay attention in the tone, but also the pronunciation. b : The initial ‘b’ is pronounced with unaspirated ‘p’, as in ‘lap’. Example: bāo ( 包 , package), it is pronounced /pao/ with a flat tone. p : The initial ‘p’ has the same way as when we pronounce ‘p’ in word “sport’. There is an aspirated ‘p’. Example: pàng ( 胖 , fat/chubby), it is pronounced /phang/ with a falling tone. m : The initial ‘m’ is similar to ‘m’ in the English “mango”. There is no change to pronounce this init...

Learning Chinese #2

As you might know, tone is one of the most important aspects of learning Chinese. It affects the meaning of a word. For a reminder, there are five tones in Chinese. The first tone is ˉ, it means that you have to pronounce it flatly. The second tone is ˊ , you need to raise the tone to pronounce the pinyin. The third tone is ˇ, the pinyin is pronounced in the falling-rising tone. The fourth tone is ˋ , you must stress the pinyin that has this mark above it. The last one is neutral tone as the fifth tone that pronounced soft and short. It has no mark above the pinyin. There are several rules in writing the tone and pronouncing the words. Tone Position The tone mark is placed above the vowel sound if the syllable only has a single vowel. Example: m ǎ ( 马 , horse), nà ( 那 , that), and k ǔ ( 苦 , bitter). The tone mark is placed above the vowel that pronounced more loudly and clearly if the syllable has more than one vowel. Example: h ǎ o ( 好 , good) and xián ( 咸 , salty...

Learning Chinese #1

Chinese is one of the hardest languages in the world to learn. However, many people are interested in learning this language. If you are one of them, there are several things you have to know before learning Chinese. Hànzì VS Pīnyīn What is hànzì? What is pīnyīn? What is the difference between them? If you are someone who learns Mandarin for the first time, you will find these two terms. As you might already know that Chinese does not use the alphabet in its writing but strokes, those strokes refer to as Hànzì; while Pīnyīn is letters of the alphabet that refer to how to read hànzì. Most pīnyīn are written above hànzì. Currently,  hànzì is divided into two types, namely traditional hànzì and simplified hànzì. The Chinese government officially simplified traditional Hànzì so that reading skills in Chinese increase. However, there are still some countries that use traditional Hànzì, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao. Tone In Chinese, tone is called as shēngdiào ...

SDGs dan Ketimpangan Pendidikan di Indonesia

Sustainable Development Goals merupakan agenda 15 tahunan dari PBB yang dibentuk sebagai sebuah motivasi pembangunan bersama dengan permasalahan inti: kemiskinan, planet Bumi, perdamaian dunia, kerjasama antar negara, dan tentunya masalah-masalah sosial. Hal ini juga berfungsi untuk mendorong kita untuk berfikir secara kreatif demi menyelesaikan tantangan demi tantangan. Ada 17 tujuan dengan 169 pencapaian yang terkandung di periode ini. Salah satunya ialah pendidikan berkualitas. Pendidikan merupakan fondasi awal dari segala penyelesaian permasalahan sosial. Melalui pendidikan, akan ada banyak lapangan pekerjaan terbuka sehingga tingkat kemiskinanpun menurun. Hak setiap warga negara dapat diperjuangkan. Pertumbuhan negara juga akan lebih pesat. Sayangnya, pendidikan di Indonesia tertinggal 128 tahun lamanya. Kualitas yang masih jauh dari kata baik. Guru-guru dengan kemampuan mengajar yang rendah. Dan segudang permasalahan lainnya yang belum juga dapat diatasi. Namun, satu ha...

Setelah Lulus Sidang dari Gunadarma, Kita Ngapain Ya?

Perasaan lega pasti akan menghampiri apabila kita sudah dinyatakan lulus sidang. Whoaaa! Udah bisa nongkrong bareng temen sampe malem lagi, rebahan seharian, atau pergi liburan! Wuettsssss......  Tapi, nyatanya tidak semudah itu ferguso....... Masih banyak yang harus diurus setelah sidang. Tidak menguras pikiran kayak pas ngerjain skripsi sih , tapi percaya deh , ini bakal melelahkan banget kalau tidak diperhatikan baik-baik. Haaaaaaa. Banyak banget kesalahan dan misinformasi yang aku dapetin pas ngurus berkas-berkas setelah sidang. Kesalahan-kesalahan itulah yang aku gamau kalian rasain juga. So….., stay tune! Revisi! Jangan dipikir mentang-mentang di kertas revisi udah ada tanda tangan, jadi revisiannya entar-entaran atau malah ga dikerjain. It’s a big mistake! Karena pada faktanya, kertas revisi akan ditandatangani lagi oleh para dosen. Surat revisi yang sudah di"sah"kan dosen Hardcover! Setelah revisi dan dibubuhkan tanda tangan, kamu udah bisa hardcov...

Lonely Midnight

02.01 AM the second on the clock starts to be noisy forces me to wake up at the midnight 02.03 AM this silly loneliness starts to dance in my mind it is so naughty kill me slowly 02.05 AM i'm tired of being crazy everytime i know there are no daddy and mommy people say, they are busy i realize, this home is empty 02.07 AM i start to cry but, my eyes are too dry 02.08 AM yesterday, they said that they would go home but 'till now, they never come 02.09 AM loneliness, do they always lie? "i dunno, sad guy."

Sound System, Kumpulan Perangkat yang Bermanfaat

Suatu penyelenggaraan acara,baik dalam skala besar maupun kecil, pasti membutuhkan sound system .   Sound system merupakan salah satu bagian yang paling penting di dalam keberlangsungan sebuah acara. Sound system adalah sekumpulan perangkat audio yang memiliki fungsi untuk menghasilkan suara dengan kekuatan besar. Perangkat-perangkat di Sound System Sound system terdiri dari berbagai macam komponen yang menopang fungsinya. Salah satu komponen yang penting adalah sumber input bunyi seperti microphone , dvd player , komputer maupun alat musik. Frekuensi nada-nada yang didapatkan dari suara tersebut akan dibagi oleh crossover aktif lalu menuju power amplifier yang merupakan “otak” dari sound system . Power amplifier berfungsi untuk mendorong sinyal audio ke speaker sehingga speaker akan mengeluarkan suara yang didapatkan dari komponen sebelumnya. Ada tiga jenis speaker yang biasa terpasang di sound system , yaitu speaker low , speaker middle dan speaker hi...